My second review.

If you caught my *bap* Approved letter, you'll find that I, the cat, am taking it upon myself to introduce a new benchmark for living. Enter the *bap* Approved endorsement. In a world teeming with the mundane, I find it imperative to offer the public genuine insights into what truly deserves attention. Once again, as I've mentioned before, if it catches my interest, it's bound to catch yours. So, without further ado, let's dive into it.

Greetings, insignificant humans. Noelle here with another dose of hard-hitting, brutally honest game reviews. If you remember my last critique (which you should, as it was the highlight of your otherwise meaningless existence), prepare for another round of unfiltered truth. Today, I delve into the depths of three games from the twisted minds (or shall I say mind) at Zombie Ghost Games.  

Jake is a solopreneur who has crafted a trifecta of games that have become a staple on my channel. With more to come, Punish Me, Daddy, I Choose Death, and Plot Twist make up his portfolio at the moment and first up for review, we have…

Punish Me, Daddy: The Game of Embarrassment and Regret

Let me tell you, this game is as uncomfortable as your presence in my world. The premise is delightfully simple: draw a Dare card, a Twist card, and attempt the combo without losing your dignity (not that you had much to begin with). If you fail or chicken out, you draw a Punishment card, ensuring a night filled with chaos and questionable life choices.

Imagine a game night where humiliation is not just probable but guaranteed. Yes, it’s as messy as a litter box. The beauty of Punish Me, Daddy lies in its ability to turn even the most confident human into a bumbling, blushing mess. It’s like watching a mouse run circles in a maze—both entertaining and a little sad. Approved.

I Choose Death: The Game of Morbid Choices

Next, we have I Choose Death. For those who thrive on making gut-wrenching choices, the setup is straightforward: draw two scenario cards and decide which dreadful fate you’d rather endure. But there’s a twist—trick your fellow players into calling out your bluff to score points.

The game achieves a simple mechanic that has a great deal of playability with a punky aesthetic that’s both grim and elegant. Playing it makes you wonder how well you really know the person you're playing with. Imagining yourself in these different scenarios will certainly make you question their choices, draw up interesting topics of conversation, and hopefully arguments too. Approved.

Plot Twist: The Cleaner Chaos

Finally, we arrive at Plot Twist, the game that’s a bit more sanitized but no less entertaining. With its vibrant, colorful box, it stands out like a rainbow in a graveyard. Unlike its darker siblings, it offers a more family-friendly brand of embarrassment, making it suitable for a wider audience (though why you’d want to subject your family to any of this is beyond me).

The game mechanics are parallel to Punish Me, Daddy, just a bit cleaner. It’s like watching humans attempt to juggle flaming torches while riding unicycles—hilariously precarious but relatively safe. Plot Twist*is the perfect blend of amusement and absurdity, providing a lighter touch without sacrificing fun. Approved.

All told, I love these games, especially when I can subject Nick to questionable actions or put him in hot water. “But Noelle, WTF” you ask? Ah yes, the F#$% score.I felt comfortably I could apply the same scale to all.

- Functionality - How does it work, and does it work well?  

Mechanics are fluid and easy to grasp, be it sober or not! 10/10

- Utilization - In what instances can it be used, is it practical?  

Game night classic or interrogation technique at Guantanamo Bay. 10/10  

- Cost - Weighing the cost. Is the price worth it for what it is?  

All three come in at $25, but for the amount of prompts and playability, I’d argue it’s worth it. 8/10

- Kind - What is the intention? Does it permit good into this world?  

A game night staple and, an even better game to weed out the bad people in your life. 10/10

So, there you have it, my loyal subjects. The spitting review for all that Zombie Ghost Games has to offer, which will either elevate your game nights or destroy your friendships (or both, if you’re lucky). Remember, if it’s worthy of my time, it’s definitely worthy of yours. Which it is, *bap* APPROVED. It’s also available in our game section and every order of these games will receive a signed copy and a vinyl sticker!


Ultimatch review.


The first approval.